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September 1, 2016

Bringing the best improvement ideas to Saskatchewan: Helen Bevan workshop Oct. 17, 2016

In mid-October health care system leaders, managers, and providers in this province will have a chance to learn about large-scale change in health care from one of today’s leading lights in the field.

Helen Bevan, Chief Transformation Officer with the National Health Service’s Horizons Group, will lead a one-day workshop entitled ‘Rewriting the Rules: Enduring and Emerging Approaches to Change’ on Monday October 17 at TCU Place in Saskatoon.

The event, which is hosted and sponsored by Saskatchewan’s Health Quality Council, is aimed at quality and safety specialists, improvement champions and leaders – including physicians, staff, and patient and family advisors.

“We are thrilled to be bringing Helen back to Saskatchewan to engage and re-energize those who are committed to improving health care in our province,” says Gary Teare, HQC’s Chief Executive Officer. “As we continue to undergo our own system transformation, this is a great opportunity to reflect on how we can lead in times of change, and be effective and resilient change agents ourselves. Helen will share proven strategies for making, sustaining and spreading improvements, based on her own experiences with the National Health Service in England.”

Helen Bevan is acknowledged globally for her expertise in large-scale change and ability to translate it into practical action and deliver outcomes. She provides advice, guidance and training on transformational change to leaders of health care systems across the world.

The Health Quality Council (HQC) is a provincial organization that builds improvement capability and spreads innovation across the province, through education, improvement initiatives, and research.

Follow Helen Bevan on Twitter @HelenBevan