Community QI Collective

The Community QI Collective is an applied program focused on building capacity for quality improvement that provides resources, coaching, and peer support to help organizations make improvements to create a better experience for their clients and staff with an aim to ultimately make health better in Saskatchewan. Participating organizations learn tools and approaches that can help them use resources more effectively and find ways to reduce barriers to service and increase support so that Saskatchewan residents can more easily access the services they need when they need them. 

For more information:

How can quality improvement improve health-related services?

Community organizations are essential to creating a Saskatchewan where everyone enjoys optimal health. But often these organizations (especially community-based organizations) work with limited resources. Quality improvement is one way to improve outcomes, by getting better value out of the resources we have available. A process can be redesigned to be faster or more reliable just by changing a few steps. Helping organizations learn the science of quality improvement gives them the tools to make small tests of change. 

Organizations across sectors are challenged to do more with less resources. Participating in the Community QI Collective will help teams understand their organization’s current performance, map out the desired future state, and help make small, incremental improvements to reach their goals.   

Who is a part of the Community QI Collective?

The Collective involves a diverse range of organizations. Some are community-based organizations that provide direct services to families in our communities. Others are governmental organizations that focus more on program development and policy infrastructure. And others are ministry-related – providing service (such as education) or granting agencies. What they all have in common is a desire to make improvements that let them do more for their clients, and a passion for enabling all communities and families to thrive.

If you are interested in learning how to make impactful, sustainable changes in an organization involved in the health and well-being of aging and older adults, please email for more information.

Contact the Community QI Collective program coordinator

To contact the Community QI Collective program coordinator, please visit the Contact Us page for the most up-to-date contact information.

Contact Us