Tracey Sherin
Chief Executive Officer

Since joining HQC in 2005, Tracey has become an accomplished and experienced leader with expertise in research and analysis, measurement for improvement, quality improvement methods, coaching, teaching, and facilitation. During her time at HQC, she has worked in a variety of areas including drug management in long-term care, chronic disease management, Clinical Practice Redesign, quality improvement teaching and coaching, and leadership for improvement.
Prior to becoming the Chief Executive Officer, Tracey was the Director, Data Analysis and Research Partnerships at HQC, where she led a diverse and talented team of researchers and research analysts to generate evidence to enable improvement in health and health care.
Tracey also serves on the Oversight Committee for the Saskatchewan Centre for Patient-Oriented Research (SCPOR). SCPOR is one of 11 SUPPORT Units established across the country as part of Canada’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research, led by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
Tracey holds a Bachelor of Science (high honours) in microbiology and immunology from the University of Saskatchewan and a Master of Science in health care and epidemiology from the University of British Columbia. In 2009, Tracey completed the Advanced Training Program in Health Care Delivery Improvement from Intermountain Healthcare in Salt Lake City, Utah.
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- Caring for culture at HQC
- From Saskatchewan to Scandinavia: Best practice learnings in quality improvement and senior care from Sweden and Denmark
- Sharing the wisdom of quality improvement: 11 tips and tricks from HQC’s in-house QI experts
- 2021-22 in review: A message from HQC’s CEO
- 2020-21 in review: A message from the Health Quality Council CEO
- 2019-20 in review: A message from the HQC CEO
- Tracey Sherin named CEO of Saskatchewan’s Health Quality Council