Saskatchewan Change Day is almost here!
The second annual Saskatchewan Change Day will be celebrated on Nov. 5, 2015. To mark the final 30 days of the campaign, the Health Quality Council (HQC) has launched an initiative called 30 Days of Collective Change.
What is 30 Days of Collective Change?
The 30 Days of Collective Change initiative is essentially a “campaign within a campaign.” It represents the final 30 days remaining in the Saskatchewan Change Day campaign and is all about generating as many pledges as possible to meet or exceed the provincial goal of reaching 2,015 pledges by Nov. 5, 2015. The 30 Days of Collective Change initiative is about energizing the Change Day social movement in Saskatchewan and encouraging everyone in the province to make a pledge to improve health and health care. If you’ve already made a pledge, that’s great – and you’re encouraged to make another one, too!
How do I participate in the 30 Days of Collective Change initiative?
It’s simple. Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Go online to and make a pledge. Share your pledge on social media, using the hashtag #skchangeday. By sharing your pledge, you can inspire others and encourage them to pledge, too.
- Watch the inspirational Saskatchewan Change Day video and share it with others in your workplace and on social media.
- Consider issuing a friendly challenge to see if your workplace can exceed the number of pledges made in another workplace. For example, earlier this year the Saskatchewan Registered Nurses’ Association (SRNA) challenged the Saskatchewan Medical Association (SMA) to see which group could make more pledges at their respective annual general meeting.
- Download the Saskatchewan Change Day 2015 How-To Guide for more ideas on how to have fun with the Saskatchewan Change Day campaign and how to promote it in your workplace.

What is Saskatchewan Change Day?
Saskatchewan Change Day is a province-wide campaign organized by HQC. It is part of an exciting global movement aimed at making small health care improvements. The idea is that everyone can make a change for the better, and that together these small changes can add up to make a big difference. The Change Day concept originated in the National Health Service in the United Kingdom and has since spread to countries around the world, including Sweden, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, India, Jordan, the Netherlands, Finland, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the provinces of Saskatchewan and B.C. in Canada.
Who can make a Saskatchewan Change Day pledge?
Anyone who provides health care, receives health care, or who cares about health care can pledge to make a difference. A pledge is an idea for improvement that is meaningful to the pledger. People are asked to enter their pledges on the Saskatchewan Change Day website by Nov. 5, 2015. HQC has set the goal of receiving 2,015 pledges from across the province by Change Day 2015 – more than doubling the 2014 campaign goal of receiving 1,000 pledges.
What sorts of pledges can people make for Saskatchewan Change Day?
This year’s Saskatchewan Change Day theme is “Make Health Better Together.” Participants can pledge to do something to improve their own health, the health of their workplace, or the health of the patients, residents, or clients they serve. Participants are also welcome to make more than one pledge. Pledges must be entered online at so that they are counted toward the provincial goal of 2,015 pledges.