Sheila Chaboyer
Cultural Advisor

Sheila Chaboyer has lived in the community of Cumberland House for almost 40 years. Her educational credentials include a diploma in chemical dependency counselling, a certificate in social work and many specialized training programs.
Sheila began her career as a child protection worker for the Ministry of Social Services before serving as director of outpatient care centre for the Northern Health District, a role she held for 20 years. She also worked as an addictions and mental health counsellor for the former Kelsey Trail Health Region for 16 years. Throughout her career, she has served as an advocate for her clients, provided crisis intervention, developed wellness groups and public education initiatives, and worked alongside her community to provide prevention and health promotion programs.
As a counselor and leader, Sheila excels at applying the theoretical knowledge needed for an effective and compassionate role in treatment, prevention and health promotion—particularly in the small community of Cumberland House. As an Elder, she provides wellness and educational programs (such as anger management and life skills) to community members.
Sheila retired in 2021 but works part-time for Nechapanuk Child and Family Services as an on-call worker. She has been married for 45 years, and has three children and nine grandchildren.