After two years spent supporting our health system partners during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2022-23 saw HQC recommitting and reengaging to achieve the strategic priorities we created in 2019.
Partnership with FSIN
In partnership with the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations, we released a report on the rates of suicide and self-harm in the province’s First Nations communities. Analyzing two decades’ worth of health data, the report shone light on the health disparities behind these statistics, including the lingering effects of colonization and trauma.
Life promotion
We initiated the Four Winds life promotion project to support communities along a healing journey. This project has three work streams and involves working with First Nations communities to help tackle the complex drivers of life promotion using quality improvement tools. We also signed a memorandum of understanding with Métis Nation-Saskatchewan and initiated projects to measure and report on health and wellness for Métis people in Saskatchewan.
Youth mental health
We continued to grow our Youth Mental Health Sharing and Learning Community. Established in 2021, this interactive virtual space connects people in Saskatchewan around the topic of youth mental health. By creating a space to share and learn from others, this community of learners can build relationships, explore what is working and examine future collaboration opportunities to improve youth mental health.
Sharing data
HQC continued to support the provincial Drug Task Force, an intersectoral partnership examining substance use and addiction in Saskatchewan. This year, the group executed a data sharing agreement to include ambulance and coroner data in their analyses, to better identify who experienced drug overdose and who died from drug overdose without seeking care. Key findings were presented to stakeholders, including leaders from government, police, service providers and the health-care system.
We have also made significant progress on our operational initiatives. In 2022-23, we signed a master health data sharing agreement with our system partners to further the work on the Health Research Data Platform-Saskatchewan. This will allow multi-agency access to important health research data, building capacity for patient-oriented researchers and health system analysts.
New QI training and learning program
After a successful pilot, we also launched our newest learning program, QI in Clinics. This program aims to build primary care clinic capacity to identify and implement improvements to better serve their patients. Within this, we have integrated the BestPractice Primary Care Panel Reports, to provide family doctors with insight on their patient panel that will enhance care. Another of our learning programs, the Community QI Collective, completed two cohorts in 2022-23. This program aims to build capacity for QI in the not-for-profit and human services sector, helping organizations learn the science of QI and make small tests of change.
Truth and Reconciliation
To further our commitment to improving our cultural competency and addressing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action, HQC completed the following actions this year:
- Call to Action #18 and 57: Co-developed, with the Cultural Advisory Committee, the Honorarium and Expense Reimbursement for Cultural Advisors and Helpers Policy.
- Call to Action #18, 20, 22, 23, and 57: Created an Indigenous Cultural Advisory Committee to consult, inform and advise HQC on its work.
- Call to Action #18, 43, and 57: Created a list of current resources for staff related to Indigenous Peoples and health such as United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, podcasts, books, documentaries, films, etc.
- Call to Action #18 and 23: With the Cultural Advisory Committee, reviewed and revised two HQC policies with an equity and reconciliation lens; and, co-developed an anti-racism policy and implemented anti-racism training for all staff.
Last but certainly not least, we celebrated our 20th birthday in 2022. HQC was vital in establishing QI infrastructure within the province, building capacity in QI science, sparking connections and spreading a passion for learning. Two decades later, it’s remarkable to look back and see how we made an impact, knowing the best is yet to come.
Tracey Sherin
Chief Executive Officer