Radiation Oncologist, Saskatoon Cancer Centre
Project: Optimizing Use of Single Fraction Palliative Radiation Therapy for Bone Metastases
Systematic reviews show that a single fraction of radiation of treatment can provide similar results to multiple factions for palliation of painful bone metastases. In Canada, Choosing Wisely Canada released recommendations in 2014 specifically for radiation oncology on using a single fraction for uncomplicated bone metastases. In 2016, the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC) released a spotlight report on sustainability and quality in cancer control recommending the use of a single fraction of radiation therapy for painful bone metastases. CPAC identified the desire to have a pilot project to identify ways that practitioners can increase the use of a single fraction in jurisdictions, of which Saskatchewan and Manitoba were chosen. Dr. Wright’s future plan for his CQIP project is to obtain and discuss survey results, collect real-time data on an ongoing basis, share anonymous results with practitioners, and implement processes to promote single fraction use. View his poster to learn more about his project!
QIck Talk Video
Project Poster