The Chiefs-in-Assembly directed the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN) to address suicidal behaviour among First Nations people with high priority (FSIN Suicide Prevention Strategy, 2018).
Why is there a life promotion strategy with First Nations in Saskatchewan?
In Saskatchewan, First Nations complete suicide at rates significantly higher than that of the rest of the population. First Nations people make up approximately 13% of Saskatchewan’s population, yet as displayed in the chart below comparing Saskatchewan Coroner’s data, one out of every three completed suicides in Saskatchewan was a First Nations person.

The effects of intergenerational trauma stemming from residential schools, the Sixties Scoop, and systemic racism in our society are likely contributors to this disparity. The Health Quality Council is working in partnership with the FSIN to more clearly understand the factors that contribute to this disparity and support community-enabled action in reducing that disparity.
How is the Health Quality Council assisting in this work?
In partnership with the FSIN, the Health Quality Council is conducting research on the quality of care received by First Nations people in Saskatchewan related to suicide and self-harm. This research will help to identify opportunities for improvement as well as promising practices that can be spread to improve outcomes.
The Health Quality Council is working closely with the FSIN to assist with measurement and evaluation which will help to inform the FSIN Life Promotion Strategy. We are contributing our analytic skills to this work with the intention of honouring the principles of OCAP® (the First Nations principles of ownership, control, access, and possession).
Who is involved in this work?
The Health Quality Council is working closely with the FSIN Life Promotion Team, FSIN Leadership, and a Technical Advisory Team which is made up of Community/Tribal Council representatives and the work itself is driven by community representatives from the Technical Advisory Team.
FSIN Life Promotion Strategy Support contact
To get in touch with the FSIN Life Promotion Strategy Support contact at the Health Quality Council, please visit the Contact Us page for the most up-to-date contact information.
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