Patient- and family-centred care (PFCC) is a philosophy based on respect, dignity, collaboration, information sharing, and meaningful participation. The Institute for Patient- and Family-Centred Care defines PFCC as “an approach to the planning, delivery and evaluation of health care that is grounded in mutually beneficial partnerships among health care providers, patients, and families. It redefines the relationships in health care.” Saskatchewan’s journey toward creating a culture of patient-and family-centred care was guided by a call to action from the 2009 Patient First Review: “That the health system make patient- and family-centred care the foundation and principal aim of the Saskatchewan health system.”
From 2011 to 2018, the Health Quality Council formally supported patient engagement and the development of patient- and family-centred culture in the health system and in patient-oriented research. As a part of this piece of work, the Health Quality Council worked with a variety of partners, including other health sector agencies, and the Saskatchewan Centre for Patient-Oriented Research (SCPOR). This work included initiatives such as orientation modules for the Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR), a Patient and Family Advisor Network, and meaningfully engaging patients and their families in our work.
How the Health Quality Council supported the health system with PFCC

Significant milestones in Saskatchewan’s PFCC Journey
2009 – The Patient First Review report is published.
2010 – Saskatchewan’s health system hosts Institute for Patient & Family-Centred Care education days.
2011 – Health regions/organizations develop plans for advancing PFCC. A provincial framework and PFCC forum are created to support learning and sharing.
2012 – Patient and Family Advisor (PFA) roles are established and PFAs actively engaged with quality improvement teams in health regions.
2014 – The provincial PFCC Guiding Coalition and a provincial strategy is created. A Patient and Family Advisor (PFA) Network is established to support sharing and learning among PFAs.
2016 – All health regions adopt the Open Family Presence Policy, removing formal visiting hours in health care facilities. All health regions/Saskatchewan Cancer Agency establish PFCC steering committees comprised of patients, families, and staff. More than 600 patient and family advisors are engaged in health system improvement.
Current contact
The Saskatchewan Health Authority now coordinates this work through their Patient and Client Experience portfolio. For more information about patient engagement and for a current contact, please visit the Saskatchewan Health Authority’s patient engagement web page.
If you are a patient or member of the public interested in getting involved in making positive changes in the healthcare system, please visit the Saskatchewan Centre for Patient-Oriented Research’s website for patient engagement opportunities.